Automating bank feeds: speeding up reconciliation and improving control

Automating bank feeds: speeding up reconciliation and improving control

Automating bank feeds: speeding up reconciliation and improving control

How businesses can harness automation for a faster close

For Finance Leaders, understanding a company’s cash position is crucial; impacting day-to-day management and strategic choices like investments, capital expenditure, and mergers and acquisitions.

Manual reconciliation is time consuming and presents considerable risks which can lead to suboptimal decisions, eroding stakeholder confidence. 

Automated bank statement feeds, enabling auto-reconciliation (and therefore a faster close), offer a compelling solution.

They expedite reconciliation processes, resulting in faster access to more accurate information.

Moreover, they bolster security measures against fraud, reducing human errors, and aligning with evolving regulatory mandates such as UK SOx.

In this eBook, you’ll gain valuable insights:

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Discover how to future-proof your reconciliation processes through automated bank statement feeds, resolving long-standing challenges

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Understand the pivotal role of the SWIFT network in facilitating one-to-many connections, making automated reconciliation accessible to businesses of all sizes

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Learn how auto-reconciliation empowers CFOs and finance teams to adopt a more strategic role within their organisations
