23rd Aug 2014

Straight Through Processing

What’s the trouble?

Is entering information manually into multiple banking platforms daily giving you and your staff a cash management headache?

AccessPay has a cure – a Straight Through Processing solution!

We hope the video gives you some insight into what our multi-bank connectivity solution can do for you.


Key points from the Straight Through Processing video:

  • AccessPay offers smart solutions for today’s business problems.
  • Manually inputting data into multiple banking platforms takes time, increases costs and may even lead to errors.
  • And that can cause MAJOR headaches…
  • AccessPay offers an easy and affordable way to avoid manually inputting data into your banking portals. We provide a straight-through processing solution that connects your back office ERPs with your banks.
  • Simple to complex approvals, processes and workflows can be set up in minutes on our system.
  • Our solution is file agnostic. We take any file, any format and automatically convert it and then send it to your banks, using SWIFT cloud connectivity.
  • So put away your headache pills – you don’t need them! Because we make rekeying payment information obsolete with our Multi-Bank Connectivity Solution.
  • Life just got a lot easier…


Get in touch at any time to find out more about how we can transform your payment and cash management capabilities.

Stay tuned for more great AccessPay videos in the near future…