29th Jun 2018

SWIFT gpi vs Ripple – GPI Fridays Episode 5

GPI Fridays episode 5 features James Higgins, Product Director at AccessPay. In this video, James compares SWIFT gpi to Ripple.

To date, over 50 million gpi cross-border payments have been processed, with hundreds of thousands of payments sent daily across 350 country corridors in more than 100 currencies. However, there are some naysayers who believe Ripple (real-time gross settlement system) offers superior technology and data to SWIFT.

While much blood is spilled in arguing this matter with fans taking sides, many claim it’s not a case of of choosing between the two networks, but a matter of which technology better serves users.


Watch our other GPI Friday videos –

What is SWIFT gpi?

SWIFT gpi for the Banks

SWIFT gpi Improves the Corporate Banking Experience